Under the new ownership structure, 35% of all shares will be held by Havbruksparken Utvikling AS and 13% by Okapi Salmon AS. Havbruksparken Utvikling AS is also the majority owner of Aqua Kompetanse AS, a company that provides consulting services to the aquaculture industry.
The Group CEO of Billund Aquaculture, Christian Sørensen said that "Bringing these experienced players into our company is very positive news, especially considering the vast know-how they have gathered in the aquaculture business over the years. Furthermore, our new ownership puts us in a very strong long-term financial position that will help keep us at the forefront of the global market for the development of large-scale RAS projects."
Behind the new shareholders are three Norwegian families with significant and long-standing interests in the aquaculture industry:
These new investors will strengthen Billund Aquaculture's operations worldwide, including the Norwegian market, where the company has developed emblematic smolt and post-smolt projects for over 15 years. Billund has significant growth plans with several facilities already in the pipeline.
On behalf of the new shareholders, Director of Investments Pål Berg says, "We are excited about investing in Billund Aquaculture together with the Sørensen family. The world's need to produce protein in a sustainable manner means the future of the RAS industry is very promising. Billund Aquaculture is the most skilled and experienced supplier to explore those opportunities."
Christian Sørensen, Group CEO of Billund Aquaculture said "We are thrilled to join forces with these new major partners and look forward to exploring together all the opportunities that the growing RAS market can offer. We fully commit to delivering the best solutions and to build a more sustainable and efficient aquaculture industry."